Thursday, July 21, 2011

crosses in the snow

On the night before my youngest son was in a devestating car wreck these two crosses magically appeared in the snow..on my husband's truck. I had been worried about my son who was 18 and had driven 260 miles to visit his father. A winter storm was supposed to hit that weekend and he had bad brakes on his of course I was not happy about his journey. Julio, my husband told me either these crosses were a sign that Alex had God watching him or it was an warning. It was a little unsettling. So the next day when the phone rang and a strange male voice asked me if I was the mother of a young man named Alex. I knew. I thought back to the crosses as I frantically asked the man if he was ok. He said ," I am standing here beside him and he doesn't have a mark on him." He went on to tell me despite being dazed and a little confused my son appeared to be ok. He had just been hit head- on by an 18 wheeler loaded with cattle. The alert driver saw his car cross the middle line and turned his truck to avoid Alex and drove right over the passenger side of his car, turning his truck over in the process. A miracle. Both of the other men, a father and son were ok, not all the cattle were so lucky. The cattle that didn't die made a dash for freedom. Lucky for Alex he had good insurance, cattle rustlers don't come cheap and neither do 18 wheelers. My son is priceless and to this day though I never met that truck driver I thank him for saving my son's life. Later we laughed when Alex told us his insurance company had to pay 2000.00 for cattle rustlers to round up the escapees. Alex is alive and well, studying film in New Mexico, where he narrowly escaped being trapped in the mountians in a wild fire....but that's another story!

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